King Creosote - Rocket D.I.Y. (Fence) Highly polished outing from the prolific King Creosote. Originally a member of now demised Beta Band, he went off and helped form the Fence Collective which seems to issue a new album weekly from their small base in Fife. This is one of the labels finest releases and has King Creosote sounding like an updated Ivor Cutler (if that were possible!). No life in a scotch sitting room here, but plenty of clever tunes and lines such as “I was past 35 years of age before my face made that much sense” are pure genius. Not folk, yet not pop or rock, this almost defies categorisation, but we’ll go for “indie acoustic” with very much it’s own identity. In a world where most bands sound the same or copies of others from 20 years ago, King Creosote would be allowed to extend his empire to varnish, lacquer, beeswax and many other wood preserves if we had our way!